• Discrete, Random Access, Fully Automated, Compact, Bench top model
  • Dual Probe, Individual Probe for sample and reagent with Liquid Level Sensor
  • Onboard Cooling for Reagent Compartment
  • Onboard Laundry
  • Minimal Water Consumption, Less than 2 Liters per hour
  • Non Vaccumised Waste/Wash Bottles
  • Q.C. with L.J. Plot and Westgard rules
  • Dedicated Onboard Mixer
  • Stat Sample Capability
  • Individual permanent optical glass cuvettes


  • Robust system with built in stabilizer.
  • Direct access to test by touch of key.
  • Sophisticated software for kinetic graph with built in delta calculation for saturated(high) sample from graphic display without diluting and rerunning the samples.
  • Reliable peristaltic pump with maintenece free operations.
  • Unique circutry for long lamp life.
  • Triple cuvette system.
  • Monochromatic, Bichromatic measurement.
  • Multi standard calibration
  • Levey Jennings and standard deviation graphs.
  • Editing saved tests.
  • Patient report with PID & Name
  • USB Interface.


  • Direct access to test by LCD color display
  • Real time graph with per second reading.
  • Auto recalculation of non linear kinetic test.
  • Multi sandard runs in all modes.
  • Built in incubator.
  • USB Interface.
  • Sophisticated windows based software.
  • Sample, QC Sample, Blank Standard run facility.
  • Patient data management.
  • Multi standard runs in all modes.
  • Levey Jennings and standard deviation graphs.
  • 384 Head 20 Column Stationary head thermal printer, with sensor
  • Built in stabilizer voltage range 90-270 volts.
  • Specially designed long life peristaltic pump, minimum carryover.
  • Dual reading modes - Flow cell & Curvette.