• Coagulation :
    • Four independent programmable coagulation channels for faster throughput.
    • Display online results of all four channels simultaneously on single screen.
    • Uniform mixing of Sample & Reagent with magnetic stirrer.
    • Automatic Sensing of sample/reagent despensing to start the measurement.
    • Designed to perform all routine & special testsmsuch as PT, APTT, TT Fibrinogen, Factor II, V VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII.
    • Multipoint calibration curve with user entered standard silution % in FIB and Factor Assay.
    • Photometer :
    • Independent channel for Photometric assays.
    • Multipoint Calibration curve with maximum 7 calibrators for Photometric assays.
    • Chromogenic assays antithombin (AT-III), protein C(PC), protein S(PS), D-dimer.
    • Common Features :
    • Effective Temprature regulation system
    • Robust system with built in stabilizer.
    • Storage capacity of 250 open tests with QC and more than 2500 results.
    • Independant memory for coagulation and photomatric mode.
    • Unique circutry for long lamp life.
    • Human Machine interface: Touchpad, Keypad
    • Quality COntrol with Levay Jennings and standard deviation graphs.


  • Designed to per form all routine tests such as PT, APTT, TT, FIB and clotting factors.
  • Results are both printed and displayed in seconds and in concentration.
  • Data is printed and stored with RATIO and INR values.
  • Prints and stores calibration graph.
  • Dry block incubator for 37 degree centigrade with multi timer.
  • Ability to normalize up to 9 values.
  • Ability to average up to 9 sample results
  • Facility to enter clinic name
  • Uniform mixing of ssample & reagent with magnetic stirrer.